Multiplayer online games - free online rpg games list

mpog 100
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Advertise banner listing (webmasters only)

You could consider to add a banner to your listing by using our Banner Listing Program. For $4.00 a month your entry will had an additional custom banner (468x60) for a total of 31 days. A banner will give your listing better visibility, and a better chance to receive more visitors from the toplist. Especially if your website is showing on the first page (ranking 1-50)

Attention new members! joining MPOG100 is free, buying a banner is an optional service and in no-way needed to be approved.

Subscribe ($4/month)

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Frequently Asked Questions..

Q: How do i join the toplist?
A: Please sumbit your mpog related website by clicking 'join Mpog100' in the menu on the right, you will be given a link that is to be placed somewhere on your own website. The link is basically a few HTML codes that allows visitors to vote for your website. Every time a visitors clicks on the voting link, your site will be "ranked" higher on the listing

Q: How do I advertise my listing?
A: We currently offer a low-cost banner listing option, you could activate it by clicking on the 'Advertise listing' option in the menubar. After payment you banner will show up instantly for a period of 31 days.

Q: Why should I join?
A: By joining the mpog100 topslist, you'll get exposure and more visitors/traffic on your website. More traffic means more players for you. Most important, joining the chart is 100% free :)

Q: I joined but dont see my website listed
A: We will review all suggested new websites first (this takes usually within 24 hours) We are doing this manually to keep our list clean and accurate. All votes you receive while waiting will be stored in our database. Once your website is approved it will appear on our list.

Q: I host a very small rpg, can i join?
A: Yes, you are welcome to join Mpog100 toplist. Everyone who offers an online rpg / roleplay game can join no matter if you have a small or heavy traffic site.

Q: What does IN and OUT mean?
A: The column 'IN' represents the total number of votes/hits that came from your site. The column OUT represents the total number of visits/clicks to your site, from the chart.

Q: What are categories?
A: We currently accept several catarogories of online rpg games. You use the catagories to filter the list on the specific game of intrest. When you sign up your new RPG game make sure its in the correct catagory to receive the maximum ammount of targeted visitors.

Q: Why does my ranking reset every month?
A: The keep the chart fair and accurate we reset the IN and OUT hits every month. This way new MMORPG100 members can enter the chart as well.

Q: How to cancel my account?
A: Remove all the mpog100 vote links from your site and our system will remove your delete automatically.

Q: Can i sumbit multiple websites?
A: You are allowed max 1 account per website, do not submit the same website twice or more.

Q: Is this really free?
A: Yes this is 100% free and will always stay free.

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