Multiplayer online games - Ragnarok Online

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Rank Description IN OUT stats
1. RadiantRO
On RadiantRO you can experience a casual RO community. Unlike most servers where the staff requests donations in exchange for services, this server is run non-profit. Totally equal, totally free, totally stable. (recruiting, see site)
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2. Noob Fury RO
A fun server, with over one hundred quest custom items. Lots of custom maps and npcs. Non-corrupt GMs. All new classes. Homunculus. PK Server. Marriage and Adoption. Cool Woe. And no Lag! Rates: Phantom Kitty->2k/2k/1k Psycho Teddy->10/10/10
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3. Decade RO
-500x,700x -3rdjob -Custom item -friendly GM -No item donate
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4. Mynet
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5. Mynet
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